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16 on our waiting list needing help


Hello! My name isLibbyand I would love to meet you!


Hi, all, I'm Libby.  I'm a fabulous fluffy gal with very nice manners!  When I am really excited and happy, I like to sing and talk.  I might be biased, but I think that I could be the next Ariana Grande.  Be on the lookout for my next album!  I mind my p's and q's on my leash, in the car, and in the house.  However, I'm still plenty playful with a fascination with noisy toys, balls, and bones.  On the other hand, I also don't mind some lazy days and snoozles cuddled up next to you.  If allowed, I have been known to sleep on my back on the bed with you...despite what you may think of my size I promise to not take up too much room.  I am quite comical according to my foster mom, and I am fond of getting petted and scratched all over!  If big and beautiful is your thing, then tell those Taysia Blue folks to send Libby your way!  

More About Me:

  • Breed: Alaskan Malamute
  • Gender: Female
  • Color: Sable & White
  • Age: 6 years
  • Weight: 90 lbs
  • Location: Nebraska

Check out myOther Photos and Video!
